[PLAN | 行前計劃 ] 報名! Paris Marathon 35th Edition April 10, 2011 / 2011年巴黎馬拉松, 2011年A級賽事

4/1 (FRI) , 下班立即到桃園機場, 搭機
4/2 (SAT) , 早上7:35到戴高樂機場, 到 HOTEL CHECKIN 放行李 , 搭船遊塞納河
4/3 (SUN) , 逛羅浮宮free day! lunch , apple store 買 iPad , 夏佑宮, 巴黎鐵塔晚餐
4/4 (MON) , DisneyLand
4/5 (TUE) , DisneyLand
4/6 (WEN) , DisneyLand , shopping outlet
4/7 (THE) , shopping , 聖心堂 , lunch 小餐館
4/8 (FRI) , 聖母院 ,  ice cream, 巴黎市政廳, 龐畢度中心 , 瑪黑區 shopping
4/9 (SAT) , Marathon EXPO. shopping day
4/10 (SUN) , Paris Marathon
4/11 (MON) , 一早就要到機場搭機, 到台北時間是 4/12早上6:30

Paris and Rotterdam marathon…. I choice Paris!


in the City of Paris… From the Champs Élysées Avenue to Foch Avenue running through Bastille, Nation, Vincennes, les Tuileries…


And this is my World Marathon schedule : world-schedule

Paris Marathon route map.

EPREUVE Paris Marathon

Your registration is now ok.
You can find at the website all informations , End of january you can download your confirmation letter, that you have to bring with you when you pick up your bibnumber at the Running Expo.


// ——— 巴黎鐵塔餐廳 menu

Dinner 1st sitting (6:30 pm), on April 03, 2011     Access code

前菜: 三選一
ENTRÉEiSTARTER Velouté de châtaignes, cèpes et crême de cerfeuil
Creamy chestnut soup, porcini mushroom and cream of chervil
鮮奶油栗子濃湯, 有牛肝蕈(Porcini蘑菇)和奶油及灑上細葉芹

Belle gambas snackée, avocat, vinaigrette soja/sésame
Seared tiger prawn, avocado, soya and sesame dressing
香煎大蝦, 佐以鳄梨、大豆和芝麻

Foie gras de canard mi-cuit au naturel, marmelade de coing
Duck «foie gras», quince marmalade
鵝肝, 配橘子醬

MAIN COURSE, 主菜, 三選一
Filet de Saint-Pierre à la plancha, carottes confites
John Dory fillet, glazed carrots

Noisette de veau poêlée, potiron Butternut au romarin
Roasted veal tenderloin, butternut squash, with rosemary
烤小牛肉裡脊肉, 佐胡桃,南瓜,迷迭香

Blanc de pintade rôti, girolles et salsifis cuisinés au jus
Roasted guinea fowl breast, chanterelles and salsify cooked in gravy sauce
烤雞胸, 黃蘑菇醬

DESSERT, 甜點, 三選一
Vacherin au fruit du moment
Seasonal fruit vacherin

Baba au rhum, crème légère vanillée
Baba with rum, vanilla cream sauce

Profiterole, glace vanille, sauce chocolat
Profiterole with vanilla ice-cream and chocolate sauce