[bookmark] 獨木舟 , Kayak , 波浪圖

TKS│Taiwan Kayak School│台灣獨木舟海洋學校

東引 http://www.windguru.cz/int/index.php?sc=141101&switchlang=1
基隆嶼 http://www.windguru.cz/int/index.php?sc=233381
彭佳嶼 http://www.windguru.cz/int/index.php?sc=225553
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東澳烏石鼻 http://www.windguru.cz/int/index.php?sc=92543

福隆 http://www.windguru.cz/int/index.php?sc=68403

燭台嶼 http://www.windguru.cz/int/index.php?sc=67216

宜蘭 – 烏石港北堤 http://www.windguru.cz/int/index.php?sc=167598

一直咳嗽真慘 medicine list

Meitan F.C. tablets 鎮熱解熱
AXOL tablets 30mg 怯痰
Becantex 鼻倒流 咳嗽
Weisufu tablets 制酸劑
Butamirate citaate 10cc per time

Tranzanshow capsul
Fucole Paran table 消炎鎮痛
Becantex 鼻倒流 咳嗽
Weisufu tablets 制酸劑
Butamirate citaate 10cc per time

3/10 : 跟2/24一樣
Meitan F.C. tablets 鎮熱解熱
AXOL tablets 30mg 怯痰
Becantex 鼻倒流 咳嗽
Weisufu tablets 制酸劑
Butamirate citaate 10cc per time 藥水

3/13 稍微不一樣
Fucole Paran table 消炎鎮痛, 偶有腸胃不適
Eufan F.C tablets 咳嗽
Becantex 鼻倒流 咳嗽
Weisufu tablets 制酸劑
Butamirate citaate 10cc per time 藥水

[iPhone APP] Instant IP

This is a simple iPhone APP, you can use this APP to get current IP address/coordinate, the result will appear in the text box, so you can copy & paste into another application.

這是個簡單的 iPhone APP , 用來立即查詢 iPhone 目前拿到的 IP address , 還有座標, 查詢後資料在文字框顯示, 方便使用者剪貼到別的應用程式去.

OK, 這個 iPhone APP 已經可以在 app store 上搜尋得到囉! 所以今天開始(2011.0120)

點這邊去 app store 安裝
—> http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/instant-ip-free/id413984999?mt=8&ls=1

in iTune store , search : “instant ip”

You can see this: