[note] Paris Marathon Pacemakers , 巴黎馬拉松定速員 , 跟著跑就對了!


The idea of “pacemakers” was invented at the Paris Marathon 12 years ago and has now been copied all over the world! The original aim was to provide “hares” for the champions, to help them beat world records, but you had to go by it on your own! For some of you, four hours also represents a real achievement.
The balloons, which sometimes used to burst under the trees in the Bois de Vincennes, have been replaced by streamers, flags in the colours of your starting area, based on your expected time.

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[PLAN | 行前計劃 ] 報名! Paris Marathon 35th Edition April 10, 2011 / 2011年巴黎馬拉松, 2011年A級賽事

4/1 (FRI) , 下班立即到桃園機場, 搭機
4/2 (SAT) , 早上7:35到戴高樂機場, 到 HOTEL CHECKIN 放行李 , 搭船遊塞納河
4/3 (SUN) , 逛羅浮宮free day! lunch , apple store 買 iPad , 夏佑宮, 巴黎鐵塔晚餐
4/4 (MON) , DisneyLand
4/5 (TUE) , DisneyLand
4/6 (WEN) , DisneyLand , shopping outlet
4/7 (THE) , shopping , 聖心堂 , lunch 小餐館
4/8 (FRI) , 聖母院 ,  ice cream, 巴黎市政廳, 龐畢度中心 , 瑪黑區 shopping
4/9 (SAT) , Marathon EXPO. shopping day
4/10 (SUN) , Paris Marathon
4/11 (MON) , 一早就要到機場搭機, 到台北時間是 4/12早上6:30

Paris and Rotterdam marathon…. I choice Paris!


in the City of Paris… From the Champs Élysées Avenue to Foch Avenue running through Bastille, Nation, Vincennes, les Tuileries…

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2011年 , World Marathon: Paris VS. Rotterdam

巴黎/鹿特丹兩場馬拉松都辦在同一天 2011 4/10. 我想選擇一場去, 以下是兩場的初步比較

screenPlan Date:
4/1 ~ 4/12

Paris Rotterdam
著名景點多, 環繞 paris 市區, 陪跑的可以去看羅浮宮或美術館
相當吸引人的風車/河岸及像童話般的景點, 另外可以順便去看住在阿姆斯特丹的朋友.
報名費:79 Euro起要醫生證明 報名費:45 Euro起-
運動贊助廠商: ASICS 運動贊助廠商: ADIDAS
起跑時間: 8:30 起跑時間: 11點

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