
至少要跑一條特別的長路線, 那麼這個記憶會永遠印在腦海裡….

嗯! 我有同感….他說完, 我細細的回想著我跑過的長距離的路, 真的很多的細節景象都記得, 但是說也奇怪, 現在卻感受不到當時跑的痛苦, 只留有一些美好的回憶.

2008.0824 獨騎三峽 109 縣道 竹崙 熊空

謝謝 Aska 報我這條路, 騎起來真非常舒服呀! 整條 109縣道是路跑人的天下, 騎車的比較晚才陸續出現 , 路兩旁都是杉林, 晨光透過杉林間撒下…monster 大口大口吸著清新的空氣, 一路往最高點前進, 路上都有 “熊空籌備處” 的指標, 很好認,  熊空最高點我看 logger 的記錄是 728M , 路邊的指示牌寫著順著路可以到滿月圓 , 我記得滿月圓阿爸曾帶我去過 ,  不過再過去的路況並不適合公路車騎, 熊空山上有觀光茶園步道 , 步道是在杉林中的(適合怕曬太陽的來這走走), 走累了這邊有露天咖啡可以看風景休息, 時間太早了路跑的還沒跑上來, monster 看了看風景喝水準備下山, 今天的獨騎就在山嵐圍繞的熊空山劃下句點.



opensolaris / Optimized Open Source Software Stack (Cool Stack)


for the Sun Solaris Operating System(TM)


Cool Stack includes several packages in the SVR4 package format, so you can install just the ones you need. Some of the applications in Cool Stack already ship with Solaris, but these are either older versions and/or not built with full optimization. Further, Cool Stack has been pre-configured to have the most popular applications (Apache, PHP, MySQL) to work seamlessly out of the box.
Deploying PHP From Cool Stack in Sun Java System Web Server

Configuring Cool Stack PHP With Web Server

Next, do the following:

1. Go to the Cool Stack PHP 5 installation location. Type:

cd /opt/coolstack/php5

In that directory is a script called setup-ws7-php.sh.

2. Run setup-ws7-php.sh. Type:


This message is displayed:

This script will configure Coolstack PHP with Sun Java System Web Server
7. Here, you will need to provide the top level location of your Web Server
7 installation and your Web Server 7 instance_name name to which this
script should configure to run PHP scripts.

Enter your Web Server installation location(/sun/webserver7):

3. Type the full path for your Web Server installation.

The script then prompts you to type a Web Server instance name. That name is the path to a directory in your installation location—one that contains all the configuration files for running your Web site. If you are using Web Server in Sun Java Enterprise System 5, your instances are under /var/opt/SUNWwbsvr7.

For the example in this article, cite the instance https-coolstack that you created previously. To enable a different instance for PHP, type that instance name. Your instance is then ready for PHP, which you can deploy with Cool Stack 1.2 PHP on Web Server.

Finally, do the following:

1. Start Web Server. Type:


2. Create sample PHP files under /sun/webserver7/https-coolstack/docs.

Holux m-241 logger 的 KML data 匯出 , 用 excel 編輯後再轉回 KML

把 kml 檔案用 simplexml 讀出來 , 簡單分析了一下就知道座標跟高度等資料在那裡了,
接著用以下的程式把它轉出 csv 檔
[code language=’php’]

$xml = simplexml_load_string($string);

printf(“Name,Latitude,Longitude,Altitude,Dist,Description ,Icon,IconScale,IconAltitude,IconHeading, IconColor, LineStringColor,HideNameUntilMouseOver\n”);


$ignore_time=120; // 120 seconds
$ignore_dist=10; // 10 meters

foreach ($xml->Document->Folder->Placemark as $k=>$v) {
if ( $last_point[0] ) {
$dist=sqrt( pow(abs($point[0]-$last_point[0])*110.766417,2) + pow(abs($point[1]-$last_point[1])*110.766417,2) );
} else {
if ( $point[2]name);
if ( ($timestamp-$t1)<$ignore_time &amp;&amp; $dist<$ignore_dist ) continue; $t1=$timestamp; printf("%s , ",date("H:i:s",$timestamp)); printf("%s , ",$point[1]); printf("%s , ",$point[0]); printf("%s , ",$point[2]); printf("%s , ",$total_dist); printf("NO.%d
Altitude : %s M , “,$cnt++,$str_time,$point[2]);
printf(“%s , “,$icon);
printf(“%s , “,$iconscale);
printf(“%s , “,$iconaltitude);
printf(“%s , “,$iconheading);
printf(“%s , “,$iconcolor);
printf(“%s , “,$linestringcolor);
printf(“%s , “,$HideNameUntilMouseOver);

用 excel 把 csv 讀進來編輯, 一方面用 google earth 來對原來資料 , 看那邊停留久的 data
減少一些 , 再用這個 service 把 csv 轉回 KML 檔

Excel To KML – Display Excel files on Google Earth

今天(8/19)聽了 aska 的建議, 增加 “忽略” 時間跟距離的片段進去

今天(8/21)終於把這段程式改成可以給大家用的 service 了: