wordpress 的 schema

ver 2.7:



SELECT m.* FROM  wp_posts  p , wp_postmeta m
where p.id=m.post_id
order by post_id desc

SELECT tr.* 
FROM  wp_posts  p , wp_term_relationships tr  
where p.id=tr.object_id
order by p.id desc

SELECT p.id , w.*
FROM  wp_posts  p , wp_term_relationships tr , wp_term_taxonomy t
where p.id=tr.object_id
and tr.term_taxonomy_id=t.term_taxonomy_id
order by p.id desc

SELECT p.id , w.*
FROM  wp_posts  p , wp_term_relationships tr , wp_term_taxonomy t ,  wp_terms w
where p.id=tr.object_id
and tr.term_taxonomy_id=t.term_taxonomy_id
and t.term_id = w.term_id
order by p.id desc

gentoo emerge php options

2009.0630 Monster LAMP Pack:

取消 :
ncurses pdo readline spell

增加 :
ctype json sockets
berkdb gdbm
xmlreader xmlwriter

USE="apache2 berkdb bzip2 calendar cjk cli crypt ctype curl gd gdbm hash iconv json mysql mysqli nls oci8-instant-client pcre reflection session simplexml sockets spl ssl tokenizer truetype unicode xml xmlreader xmlwriter zlib" emerge -av php

2009.0630 發現 wordpress code 裡面有用到 token_get_all ( tokenizer 所以不能取消)

Simple Monster Tracking System – step by step

mts.js , 網上範例很多 , 這個是基本型:

這段 code 前面就是一連串的組出 z 變數(包括 OS , BROWSER , SCREEN WIDTH/HEIGHT …) , 然後用一個小點透過 apache 的 log 記錄下來.

這個 apache 要裝 mod_setenvif 或 mod_rewrite modules , 在 apache config 中設定 只 log 特定的 tracking data.

SetEnvIf Request_URI /dot.gif MTS_icon
LogFormat "%{%Y-%m-%d}t , %{%H:%M:%S}t , %a , \"%q\" , \"%{Referer}i\" , \"%{User-agent}i\"" MTS_format
CustomLog "| /usr/sbin/cronolog /var/www/ts.monster.com.tw/log/access-%Y%m%d%H.log" MTS_format env=MTS_icon



然後 apache log 會長這個樣子:


寫一段 PHP code:

$fp = fopen($mts_logfile,"r");

while ( $temp = fgetcsv($fp,$max_size)  ) {
  if ( count($temp)<1 ) continue;



再來就是處理 [3] 那邊的各種 data …

MySQL – Optimizing Database Structure

參考: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/optimizing-database-structure.html

7.4.1. Make Your Data as Small as Possible
7.4.2. Column Indexes
7.4.3. Multiple-Column Indexes
7.4.4. How MySQL Uses Indexes
7.4.5. The MyISAM Key Cache
7.4.6. MyISAM Index Statistics Collection
7.4.7. How MySQL Opens and Closes Tables
7.4.8. Disadvantages of Creating Many Tables in the Same Database

減少 record structure 的大小 – Numeric Types 參考表
(用 MEDIUMINT 3bytes 比 INT 4bytes 好 , 若資料內容不可能有負值那加上 UNSIGNED , 則數值範圍可多一倍!)
